5 Heiðr (Unit) 6 Fallen Robin (M) 7 Scáthach. Hey what's going on guys, here's my review and analysis on Fell Vessel Robin. Additionally, Byleth needs to win a Spd check to activate the Null Follow-Up effect of Goddess Bearer. Corvus Tome. 3. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 during combat, and also grants effects based on the total value of bonuses on the 3 allies with the highest bonus. Grants Def +7 at start of turn if unit’s HP ≤ 50%. However, Deirdre is a very valuable unit with a powerful weapon that grants effective damage against dragons. 0/10]. Legendary Skill grants HP and Spd bonuses to allies. ★ Latest Banner - Summer Firsts. Her Fujin-Raijin Yumi grants multiple effects that make her a strong offensive unit, while her Rallying Cry C skill grants multiple buffs to herself and her allies while debuffing multiple foes across a long distance. ) If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res. Build by Chibi_Chu. Bridal Say'ri. Robin: Fell Vessel. The second chart shows the Legendary/Mythic Remix banner rotation, and which characters will appear on the Legendary/Mythic Remix banner of that particular month. ago Back of the envelope calculation: 50 base Speed +5 weapon effect +9 ideal +4 bulwark (inflicts -4 spd in combat to opponent) +15 oath (+6 doubled because of his sword, +3 in combat. . QR is also good on her if she’s -Spd and you’re running Vantage in B. Dragon Weakness. This results in +1 total atk (as well as fulfilling both "if [bonus]" and "if [penalty]" checks). The skills chosen here all enhance that playstyle. Gravity+. Appears in Fire Emblem Awakening. When using a Hardy Fighter build with a charged Special like Aegis or Pavise, Robin reduces the damage of the first hit she takes in combat massively. Legendary Ike is an Earth-Type Legendary Hero, and when summoned, you will receive an Earth Blessing. Max Avg Total Stats at Lvl 40. Ignis. Tactical Bolt. I review these FEH r. Red: Legendary Seliph, Shez (M) and Gregor. Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at. Legendary Robin (M) is the new and shiny unit, but he is color sharing with Thórr and Legendary Xander. any of them since like Book V), pretty solid for a Legendary. Iv4ldi • 6 mo. Virtuous Tyrfing. (Triggers even if 0 damage is dealt. Best Legendary Alm build guides for Fire Emblem Heroes 2023. Incredible Atk and Spd. Might: 14 Range: 2. Weapons that Strike Twice. Moonless Breath: A: Dragonscale: Reposition: B: Dragon's Ire 3: Glimmer. Join my Discord! htt. If the unit’s HP is at least 25% in combat, it also boosts all stats by 5, grants a guaranteed follow-up attack,. Robin’s status as a colorless armored dragon allows her to use great skills like Hardy Fighter, A/S Near Save, and Dragon’s Wrath 4. And they cannot be nullified. Spd-Oriented - Fjorm: Princess of Ice (Water) Fjorm: Princess of Ice's effect will grant a Spd boost during its season. Subsequent instances are more common with F!Robin, than M!Robin. These stats allow her to follow-up and avoid follow-ups against most foes while dealing high damage. Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Sothis. Tier 5 units are units that are unfortunately dysfunctional in the game mode due to a mixture of reasons. . "Thank you everyone, thank you for believing in me. 0/10] Gregor [9. Being a fire-type Legendary Hero means that during Fire Season, fire-blessed heroes will gain HP+3, and Legendary Celica's effect will make her base stats be treated as 175. With his weapon and A skill alone against a foe that has Null Penalties, Robin is getting +8 to all stats on himself during combat, and inflicting Atk/Spd/Res-13 on foe. Good HP, Def, and Res Robin's Attack and Speed both sit at an unimpressive 29, and even with her finished build her Attack is rarely if ever going to reach 50 without exceptional investment. Heroes from Legendary Heroes - Robin: Exalt's Other Half; Legendary Seliph. ☆ New Units - Diamant, Citrinne, Alcryst, Eitr, Lapis. Colorless Tome. In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about 「Deadeye: Best Fodder, Best Units to Inherit | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)」 with us!. They. 22 jason56789 • 2 mo. Fallen Corrin (F) is a non-ranged (Range = 1) magic attacker. Armor eff, NFU-O, Null Guard, Slaying, +8 all stats, and Sweep against all 1-range foes including Dragons who usually require Watersweep. Passive A: Close Salvo / Close Reversal / Close Foil or Counter Any form of A slot that allows for Robin to counterattack. If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Res+5 and bonus to Atk/Res during combat = current penalty on each of those stats × 2. Boosts damage dealt by 50%. ) Glimmer. 4 Build. Legendary Male Robin is here with a Grandmaster Strategy. We at Game8 thank you for your support. Legendary Byleth (F)'s unique skills require her to either initiate combat or be within 2 spaces of an ally. Sakura: Gentle Nekomata. Might: 10 Range: 2. 3. Legendary Alm. Shadow Breath. Legendary Robin (M) Dagr. Ymir, Everliving. This is a ratings and ranking page for the hero Chrom - Fate-Defying Duo in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). All stats have a degree of variation. Summoning focus introducing the fifth Legendary Hero Robin: Fell Vessel, accompanied by several old heroes. Legendary Hinoka is within 2 spaces of an ally at the start of turn. Winter Robin is a seasonal armored lance unit originally introduced alongside his Ylissean pals, toting a reasonably balanced stat spread consisting of a relatively decent Attack stat and excellent physical bulk. Medeus Skills at 5★. Honestly, Robin fans should be happy since this means Levin sword still on the table and higher chances of winning CYL. The best IVs for Legendary Veronica are +Spd and -Def. After combat, if unit attacked, prevents target and foes within 1 space of target from moving more than 1 space through their next actions. ) Female Robin got her Legendary version way back in 2018; male Robin/Grandmaster fans can now rest easy at long last. 30: Leif. Legendary Skill grants HP and Atk bonuses to allies. Description. ★ Latest Banner - Rearmed Eitr & Rearmed Alcryst. Rearmed Robin (F) Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Walkthrough Team Last updated on: 07/06/2023 5:24 AM 3 Share! ★ Latest Banner - Summer Firsts ☆ New Units - Summer Ivy, Summer Fjorm, Summer Tharja, Summer Ymir ☆ Free Units - Summer Donnel Last updated on: 07/18/2023 2:16 AM ★ Latest Banner - Rearmed Eitr & Rearmed Alcryst ☆ New Units - Diamant, Citrinne, Alcryst, Eitr, Lapis ☆ Free Units - Alear (M), Zephia This is a ranking page for the hero Robin - High Deliverer from the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). On the other, you have visible atk-6. Moonless Breath. 5. Special Spiral and an Aoe Special are necessary to the build’s function, although the Aoe Special used depends on personal preference. 30: Summer Caspar. . Blue: Seiros,. . It has the Slaying Axe effect of accelerating Special trigger by 1, making Specials reach full charge more quickly. Rehabilitate+. Slot: A. Edit. 30: Joshua. Players have the chance to build up and possibly add the following units to their roster permanently by spending a Forma Soul: Picnic Flora: Signature Dish. ATK 37 . Lysithea is a ranged magic attacker (range = 2). Jul 18, 2023This is a ranking page for the hero Robin - High Deliverer from the game Fire Emblem Heroes. If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally and deals damage to foe using a Special, restores 30% of unit's maximum HP. Start date. As a colorless unit, she will generally take and receive damage regardless of the weapon triangle. A tactician of Ylisse joining in on the Day of Devotion festivities in hopes of expressing her gratitude to those she holds dear. She can definitely provide much value to your teams. He's got debuffs for literally everyone that will tip the scales in his favor. In contrast with standard inheritance, arcane weapon skills can be inherited and the source ally will not be lost in the process. 30: Petrine. Being a Dragon gives Legendary Fae access to other sorts of skills that she would otherwise be locked out of. As a Legendary Hero, Fae will gain the Earth Blessing when summoned. This summon featured Surtr, the top tier hero of FEH, as well as an effective counter against Surtr in the form of Hoshidan Summer Micaiah, making this a particularly stacked summoning focus. Heroes from Legendary Heroes - Robin: Exalt's Other Half; Legendary Seliph [8. At the end, I also share some simple build ideas for her. This skill grants the positive effects to herself and her allies directly; Legendary Hinoka does not need to be nearby when her allies attack. Grants 【Charge】 to Hinoka and flying allies within 2 spaces of Hinoka for 1 turn. End date. 7 FEH Summon Simulator 8 Important Announcement 9 Spd Smoke 3 10 Fire Emblem Heroes IV CalculatorSeal: Would usually be DD3 or CD3 for a flier team. Flier Charge seems cool though. His Spd is a dump stat and boosting it will not change most of his matchups, thus it is safe to take as a bane. 5★. The great weakness among fliers is that they lack access to powerful skills such as Null Follow-Up and ranged fliers are even worse, lacking class damage mitigation skills like Guard Bearing. Weapon Type. Please think carefully before fodderring her off!History would say Chrom and Robin were roommates. Feb 13. His exclusive tome Master's Tactics grants the 【Grand Strategy】 status to Robin and his nearby allies at the start of each turn. Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. Ascended Elincia. In addition, it charges the unit’s Special by 1 at the start of turn 1. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). DEF 37 . Effective against flying foes. 8. Unique Skill Access. Robin’s base 44 Spd is crazy and her base 41 Atk is great. Alm's. Yours will have to be built for enemy phase, and having +4 Def/Res when attacked, QR, and +6 Atk when attacked makes her pretty solid for that. See moreJul 18, 2023Jul 18, 20239. Robin: Mystery Tactician, a Infantry Green Tome user who appears in Fire Emblem Awakening. Therefore, when not accounting for the Weapon Triangle, the amount of damage she deals will be equivalent to her Atk minus the foe's Res stat. -RES: Summer Robin has pretty good resistance at 29, which is on the higher end for lance fighters. Comyx 4 years ago #1 My Legendary Robin hasn't really been properly built because I gave up on her, being -Spd. FEH: 7195268101 SilverType 1 month ago #2 Nah seems like a good partner for him, albeit admittedly due to her being a monster of a unit on her own: another statball with a different color for. Fallen Rhea Skills at 5★. . Lack of adequate skill access, inferior stat distribution, or a general lack of power in the unit's weapon and exclusive skills. ☆ Free Units - Alear (M), Zephia. Max Avg Total Stats at Lvl 40. When reporting a problem, please be as specific as possible in providing details such as what conditions. ) Female Robin got her Legendary version way back in 2018; male Robin/Grandmaster fans can now rest easy at long last. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). 30: Gerik. . If you want to build a +10 merged Halloween Robin (M), we. 8 Edelgard. At start of turn, grants Atk/Res+6 and 【En Garde】 to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. The Legendary Heroes - Roy Summoning Event marked the initial release of Legendary Roy. Rearmed Robin (F) Builds and Best IVs | Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Walkthrough Team Last updated on: 07/06/2023 5:24 AM 3. A-tier heroes are also very good but may not be as strong as S-tier characters. Fortunately, Legendary Claude's powerful kit gives him access to both of these effects: with NFU on his bow and Fallen Star in his B. Might: 14 Range: 2. SIMPLE Breakdown: Legendary Male Robin Weapon, PRF Skill & Stats. If foe initiates combat or if unit's HP < 100% at start of combat, inflicts Atk/Def -6 on foe during combat, and if unit deals damage to foe during combat, restores 7 HP to unit. The beasts look ok, Delthea looks neat but I think it's going to be a H!Nowi situation where despite warping memes she doesn't really hit super hard enough to take advantage of it. This build is a standard Galeforce follow-up attacker build with Wings of Mercy. Brave Micaiah Best Weapon Refine Effect of Brave Micaiah's. Bridal Ninian. Tactical Bolt can be upgraded in the Weapon Refinery. Subsequent instances are more common with F!Robin, than M!Robin. Preferred IV: +ATK or +DEF or +RES Weapon: Achimenes Fur l Assist: Positional Assist Special: Iceberg / Glacies Robin prefers to keep an offensive Special, as her weapon alone has an innate form of healing her. The FEH tier list has five different tier ranks: S, A, B, C, and D. 2. Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Celica. Defiant Def 3. FEH: 7195268101 SilverType 1 month ago #2 Nah seems like a good partner for him, albeit admittedly due to her being a monster of a unit on her own: another statball with a different color for. If there's a Unity effect at play, it reacts to the atk-6 and grants an invisible atk+12. . Attack is usually way higher than enemy RES (so the worse scaling doesn’t hurt as much), and more healing. This weapon is the Red Tome version of Bridal Flavia's Bridal Blade+. Join the Discord Server: Music: Purple Comet (Super Mario Galaxy)#FEH #FireEmblem #FireEmblemHeroes. When reporting a problem, please be as specific as possible in providing details such as what conditions. ago Back of the envelope calculation: 50 base Speed +5 weapon effect +9 ideal +4 bulwark (inflicts -4 spd in combat to opponent) +15 oath (+6 doubled because of his sword, +3 in combat. Pheonixmaster1 357K subscribers Join Subscribe 23K views 2 months ago The New Summon Banner in FEH called Special: Rearmed Robin & More brings Rearmed Robin as the star of it! Rearmed Robin. It has the Slaying effect of accelerating Special trigger by 1, making Specials reach full charge more quickly. FEH: Related Links Legendary Heroes - Robin: Exalt's Other Half. - checked for new heroes, added Diamant, Citrinne, Alcryst, Eitr, Alear (M). e. Art by: Yoshiro Ambe (あんべよしろう) Description. Slay Dragons and Recover HP with Falchion! Alm's weapon skill Falchion deals bonus damage to dragon type foes (manakete), and its effect allows him to regain HP. This is a ratings and ranking page for the hero Lucina - Future Fondness in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). 2018-03-29. Dragon Perks. 30: Ninja Zihark. Recommended. Sakura: Gentle Nekomata.